Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Doubleheader # 3

June 20th, 2007, 6:00 PM PST

LegalZoomA (1-1) blew a fourteen point lead with just a little over twelve minutes remaining to last year's runner-up Big Shotz (1-1), falling 77-72 Wednesday night. WHATEVER.

June 20th, 2007, 9:00 PM PST

LegalZoom (3-5) was shut-out for the first time this season against the division-leading Pig 'N Whistle (8-1) team. Final: 18-0 in five innings. TERRIBLE!

Batted: 0 for 2. That's more outs than the first seven games combined!

"Competition is healthy when you compete against yourself, or when it challenges you to reach and stretch and become your best. Competition becomes dark when you tie your self-worth into winning or when you use it as a way to place yourself above another."
-Sean Covey


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