Monday, November 1, 2010

An Update

I'm not sure where I left off last but I'm just gonna resume from all the leagues I'm currently playing in after this quick update of what's been going on with youngster.

I doubt I have any readers left but what the hell - this spot blog is a good archive holder if I ever want to flip back time. You know, all the while my memory fails me and I can't remember what happened. This thing will have dates, times, places, and stories for me to lean back on.

Without much further ado, let's get it rolling.

Back in mid-April, I lost my pops. He suffered a second stroke just a couple days before Thanksgiving in 2009 and just completely lost all mobility. For you readers out, I highly suggest taking care of your health -- as in eating right, exercising regularly and quitting smoking cigarettes (I have no problem with smoking weed because I'm a firm believer in the natural shit and weed is herbal - seriously lol). That's really the only big thing I have to announce. I've lost contact with a lot of friends and family while looking after my parents all this time so I'm working on getting reconnected this upcoming holiday season. Things are definitely settling down and I'm feeling real good about my future's outlook.


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