Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Personal Missions

I'm about to list some things that I will get done before 2008 is over. People often call them, and list them, as goals. I choose not to because goals are usually unfulfilled wishes. People either set the bar too high or can't hold up due to bad habits, emergencies, and what have you. Its just excuses and laziness if you ask me. It's also lying to yourself. It's abandoning the plan because it's the easy way out. It's failure cause of bad habits (I'm guilty of all this too so don't be too ashamed hah). So yeah, don't lie to yourself because it's one of the worst things you can do and it's contagious. Just do what Nike does. Just do it.

This is my to-do list.

1. Read 5 books.

I just finished reading Tuesdays with Morrie and am currently reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven and The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

The Five Books (all recommendations from friends):
The Time Traveler's Wife (bought)
The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Done)
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Done)
The Kite Runner (currently reading - page 100+)
Death Watch

2. Take a class for Fall Quarter to run the brain blood flow. (Online registration completed and signed form has been mailed in)

I am aiming for a mid-August, two-days a week introductory Spanish course. It will run to December at LBCC. I took three classes in 3 different quarters last year (Spring 2007, Fall 2007, and Winter 2008) at UCLA's Extension Program. I got two A's and one B.

3. Complete grad-school application for Masters in Math Education (along with some credential program, possibly a joint program). I am aiming to get back into full swing in the Fall of 2009 at CSULB. I am planning on becoming a teacher because I don't see myself working at a 9 to 5. I need the free time and I need to make a difference. You gotta get the criminals and druggies early. "Why become a lawyer and help defend someone when you can become a teacher and stop that someone from ever needing a lawyer in the first place."
(done minimal research)

***The first 3 bullet points are all education-based. I am a firm believer in education and knowledge. It's one of the best investments one can make. Besides, a smart person is cool and sexy hah.

4. Do push-ups or lift weights 3 times a week. I have a gym-set right outside my room so this should be easy. I will start to do push-ups before my league games. I'm in like 55 thousand leagues so that'll definitely help. At last count, 2 softball leagues and 3 basketball leagues.

Also, I will start to hit up the gym for lunch breaks at work.
(monday 7/28, wednesday 7/30, friday 8/1)
(monday 8/4, ...)

5. Spend the rest of my time with friends and family.

I will end it with those 5 bullet points. There are plenty of other things I want to do, like travel, watch movies, date women, etc. but my priorities lies with education, health, and love. I will interconnect all three together at the same time if possible. I just gotta find the right balance. A well balanced life is a complete life.
(brother's wedding 8/8) - family
(camping - zion 8/15) - sisters & hs friends
(cic bowling - 8/22) - hs friends
(cruise - 8/29) - college friends

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