Thursday, July 10, 2008

Real Early

Newsflash: This isn't a league-game entry.

If you have been following my lame blog site lately, then you are super cool hah. Really though, thanks for reading.

Let me see. Real early.

I woke up really early this morning. 5:20am to be exact. I didn't sleep too well but felt zero ounce of exhaustion at get-up time. Usually I'm snoozing until at least eight something to get up for work. I'm always late for work. Today was different.

I was starving. Last night, I only had two tacos from a truck on PCH and Vermont in Harbor City around 7pm. Couple this with the fact that I missed work yesterday, slept in from 1230am to 130pm and you see why I was up early in the morning dark.

Anyway, I woke up, made breakfast (ramen with cabbage, tomatoes, onions, and lime), wash dishes, showered, packed lunch and drove off around 620am. I got to work at 706am.

Work has been slow lately which is great news. The past month and a half has been pretty tight. I've been shooting orders out like mad. It's good that I've caught up. This gives me more time to blog which I promised I would. I pretty much lied when I said I was gonna step it up and didn't. No worries, I will.

But back to yesterday. I was able to get some shopping in. I got some much needed new shirts. Let's see. I went to two different department stores and bought a total of about 10-11 shirts for a total of about $110. That comes out to about $10 per shirt which isn't too bad.

After picking up my shirts, I went to Pete Martin's Tennis Shop in Torrance with the homie P2. I picked up a Prince racquet at a discount price of $65 (homie's hookup). P2 picked up a Nadal racquet for $100. Rich guy.

I went home after the racquet-purchase and just chilled with my Dad, and doing what I can to entertain him and work his muscles. It sucks to live the way he does. There's no way I could do what he does right now, which is sit around most of the day and do nothing but watch T.V. Once in awhile, my brother or myself will give him a magazine, book, or some photos to look at but that's about it. He does nothing else productive. So whenever I can, I'd take him for a stroll around the block in his wheelchair just to get him out of the house. I'm pretty sure it's good for him to take in the fresh air and see real things instead of from that virtual television set.

If you're reading this, I hope you really do take the time to hang out with your parents whenever you can. Spend as much time with them as possible because you never know what's gonna happen to them and/or when that something happens. Disabilities are very sad things and they're gonna happen. Sucks but it is what it is.

Some times I wish I'd done more with my Dad when he was still self-sufficient. But I let go of the thoughts cause it's only holding me back. It's just time-wasted. You can't go back in time so there's no point. So yeah, if you're reading this, just make sure you spend enough time with your parents, they're actually a lot smarter than you think. You can't learn wisdom. It grows with time and experience and they have more of it (at least they should hah).

I actually have a lot more to say but it's 4:00pm and I have to go play basketball now hah.

I wanted to finish this entry off with a couple books I've been attacking lately. I finished Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. Solid read, right there.

I just started his other book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. It's pretty decent so far. So if you get a chance, I definitely recommend checking out Tuesdays with Morrie.

Peace people.

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